Maija Van Langendonck and Cécile Masson led the discussion around experiencing the power of authenticity, silence, and presence for meaningful exchange. Maija Van Langendonck & Cécile MassonRead More
Marcelo Agolti helped the participants reflect on how to empathize with their colleagues or team members through Dialogue as a key feature of inclusion. Marcelo Agolti- SpanishRead More
Amel Murphy discussed how to tap into one’s body intelligence to support your teams during these uncertain times and offered the opportunity for the participants to experience simple practices to navigate through fear and to manage stress levels. Amel Murphy- EnglishRead More
During this event, Stéphanie discussed new forms of exclusion or discrimination linked to the COVID crisis and touched upon how to develop our vigilance and be more inclusive. Stéphanie Léonard – FrenchRead More
Alan De Bruyne led us through a dialogue on how inclusion manifested during COVID times and what we, as individuals, can do to act more inclusively. Alan De Bruyne- EnglishRead More
Magda Barcelo and Isabelle Pujol took a developmental approach to Inclusion and Diversity and provided insights into the impact of I&D coaching. Magda BarceloRead More
Nicolas Deuschel provided insights to make I&D responsive, such as how to build an inclusive workplace in times of disruptive change and how to use predictiveanalytics and cognitive psychology to target inclusion to diverse employee groups. Nicolas DeuschelRead More
During this event, Isabelle Pujol had a special guest: Silvia Siqueira (Diversity & Inclusion Senior Manager at Hilti North America) who shared with us how she created an in-house network of I&D Ambassadors together with Pluribus in the construction industry Isabelle PujolRead More
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