Success Story : Building Internal Capability (TTF)

Hilti, Sodexo

Building internal capability (TTF)

The context

Hilti is a leader in development, manufacturing, and marketing of products for the construction industries, and is headquartered in Liechtenstein. Diversity and Inclusion is fully embedded in Hilti’s global strategic vision, with the last few years a specific focus on the 3 Gs: Gender, Global, Generations. Hilti takes a systemic D&I approach as part of their HR & Talent Management processes.

“Beyond Bias” is a module developed by Pluribus that is mandatory for all Hilti’s Leadership teams and all Team Leaders. As our goal was to create a long-term impact and support Hilti in working towards more inclusion, Pluribus was keen to build their internal capability by transferring our knowledge and know-how with our Train the Facilitator programme.

Our approach 

Hilti nominated more than 150 team members and managers from all regions, functions, and business units to join the Train the Facilitator (TTF) programme. This approach consists of three sequences:

SEQUENCE 1: Beyond Bias

The TTF participants are going through the process of attending the Beyond Bias module as “regular” participants. They understand and challenge biases in relation to talent management and decision-making processes.

SEQUENCE 2: Deep Dive

Once the TTF participants have attended the “Beyond Bias” module, they experience a multiple of deep-dive sessions to have a better understanding of the key D&I concepts and learn how to engage others in a fruitful and deepening way with a true posture of “facilitators”.

SEQUENCE 3: Teach Back

This sequence is about “walking the talk”, as the participants are offered the opportunity to own their experience and practice some parts of the Beyond Bias module. They also receive and give constructive feedback to help them improve, both individually and collectively.

The impact
  • The internal facilitators are fully equipped to have qualitative dialogues around D&I and facilitate the Beyond Bias module.
  • 150 internal individuals are trained in various regions in the UK, Continental & Eastern Europe, Middle East, Americas and Asia PAC to deploy the Beyond Bias module around the world through their annual Team Camps and beyond. As a result, numerous Hilti employees and managers are aware of the importance of D&I and possess tools to mitigate the barriers to inclusion.
  • Strong commitment to walk the talk is achieved and the values and behaviours of employees are shaped with a D&I lens. 

Hilti has been our partner since 2013.

2. Sodexo
The context

With 412,000 employees over 56 countries, Sodexo provides catering, facilities management, employee benefits and personal home service with its headquarters in Paris. They have a strong business case for D&I as they serve “100 million consumers everyday which means 100 million opportunities” to connect in an inclusive way.

Our approach 

Together with Sodexo, we designed a Spirit of Inclusion workshop to support the Group values of Spirit of Progress, Spirit of Service, and Team Spirit. To support Sodexo build their internal capability, we delivered the Spirit of Inclusion Train The Facilitator programme, in which the participants understood the different facets of diversity in depth, explored the business case, challenged the stereotypes and biases, developed inclusive skills, and then the right posture to successfully deliver the Spirit of Inclusion workshop across the organisation.

The impact
  • Over 200  internal DEI facilitators from across the world have been trained to deliver the Spirit of Inclusion workshop (based on skillset and experience in facilitating dialogues)
  • The D&I Facilitators, identified by line managers (70% HR) play the role of change agents within Sodexo (some are also D&I Champions)

Sodexo has been our partner since 2007.

3. Virtual TTF

Since the pandemic started, we have had to adapt our ways of delivering workshops in order to ensure the same quality to our content and delivery. Therefore, TTF 2.0. was born. We restructured our Train the Facilitator program and adapted it to a virtual setting. We made use of webinars, interactive polling, and other interactive tools to make sure that the participants are fully engaged throughout the programme. In addition, we also provide handbooks and support around how the facilitators can deliver the workshops virtually within their company. 

As our partners see the value in building their internal capability in order to sustain a long-term culture change and are eager to go through this process, we delivered the TTF Programme to so many clients including Buhler, Arkea, Fortuneo, Ubisoft, Sodexo, Toyota, etc.